How Regional Agencies Keep Shared Micromobility Rolling

You have probably heard/seen/read a lot about shared micromobility by now, especially as programs have proliferated over the past several years. Bikeshare and/or e-scooter share programs exist in places all over the U.S., some quite large and others quite small. These programs are mostly under the direction of local agencies, since shared micromobility devices are designed for short trips on local roads. However, managing these programs—some of which have service areas across jurisdictional boundaries—and ingesting the data they generate requires a level of staff capacity that many jurisdictions do not have. Regional agencies, as a result, have an important role to play in shared micromobility from assistance with procurement and contracting, to data management and information sharing.
In this webinar, you will hear from two regional dynamos who will share their insights into the role that regional agencies can play in shared micromobility and the important ways they provide support to their member jurisdictions. Emily Lindsey, AICP, is a Transportation Technology Strategist with the Denver Regional Council of Governments (DRCOG) where she is leading DRCOG’s innovative approach to regional data sharing. Sabrina Bradbury is a Senior Program Manager with the Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) and manages the Regional Bike Share project. The session will be moderated by Amanda Howell, Researcher with the Urbanism Next Center.